Mint Anxiety Digestive problems Insomnia Stomach ache

Mint can be extracted 2 ways:

  • with alcohol - called tincture

  • with glycerin - called glycerite

There are a lot of varieties of mint, most popular are peppermint, spearmint, …

They have slightly different taste and smell, but they all contain menthol, which gives them cool, refreshing feeling.

For making extracts (tincture or glycerite), it’s better to use fresh mint leaves. Dry leaves lose some scent in the process.

Recipe for Mint tincture:


  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves (peppermint, spearmint,…)

  • 1 cup of alcohol 40% - 50% (that equals 80-100 proof): ethanol, vodka, rum, brandy whatever you choose

  • glass jar for extraction

  • dark bottle with dropper for storage of mint tincture

Harvest mint:

  • in dry weather, at least 3 days after rain

  • early in the morning to preserve volatile oils

  • just before they begin to bloom

Chop fresh mint leaves to very small pieces. You can also use blender or food processor. That way you increase surface area for the extraction. Place in sterilized jar. Best to use glass jar with plastic cover.

Fill the jar with alcohol to the top. All mint has to be fully submerged in alcohol. Cover the jar with plastic lid or if you don’t have plastic lid, place parchment paper or foil between lid and glass, to prevent corrosion.

Put the jar to cool place. Shake it from time to time.

Extraction process last 2-3 weeks, but you can leave it longer. If you leave it longer, it will turn brown, but effect will be the same.

The strain the mint-infused alcohol into a sterilized dark bottle through a cheesecloth. 

Label the bottle, store it in cool, dark place. It can last u to 5 years.

How to use mint tincture?

As Home Remedy for:

  • digestive problems,

  • calm

  • toothache

  • muscle pain

  • repelent for mosquito

Can make your own:

  • mouthwash

  • toothpaste

  • body scrub

In culinary - few drops chocolate to make:

  • chocolate mint cookies, mousse, chocolate mint liquer, hot chocolate

  • in ice water or in teas

Alcohol evaporates while cooking / baking.

Home cleaning - few drops in water and spray bottle:

  • antibacterial properties

  • nice refreshing aroma

Mint glycerite recipe

Same procesure as tinture, you just use glycerin as a solvent instead of alchohol.

Lower shelf life.

More sweet

Also for children.

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